Transformation of Amyloid Precursor SAA to Protein AA and Incorporation in Amyloid Fibrils in Vivo

Experimental amyloidosis was induced in mice by in t raped toneal injections of endotoxin (lipopolysaccharidc (LPS)). In addition to LPS. a group of mice received high‐density lipoprotein (HDL)‐SAA complexes isolated from human acute‐phase serum, whereas a group of control mice received saline in addition to LPS. Isolated amyloid fibrils from the mice given HDL‐SAA contained human AA protein, as shown by immunodiffusion, immunoblot. and enzyme‐linked Immunosorbent assay techniques, in addition to mouse AA. In contrast, amyloid from the control mice contained exclusively AA of mouse origin. Thus, the experiments provided solid evidence that SAA is the precursor for amyloid fibril proiein AA.