Human CD4+ Effector Memory T Cells Persisting in the Microenvironment of Lung Cancer Xenografts Are Activated by Local Delivery of IL-12 to Proliferate, Produce IFN-γ, and Eradicate Tumor Cells

The implantation of small pieces of human primary lung tumor biopsy tissue into SCID mice results in a viable s.c. xenograft in which the tissue architecture, including tumor-associated leukocytes, tumor cells, and stromal cells, is preserved in a functional state. By monitoring changes in tumor volume, gene expression patterns, cell depletion analysis, and the use of function-blocking Abs, we previously established in this xenograft model that exogenous IL-12 mobilizes human tumor-associated leukocytes to kill tumor cells in situ by indirect mechanisms that are dependent upon IFN-γ. In this study immunohistochemistry and FACS characterize the early cellular events in the tumor microenvironment induced by IL-12. By 5 days post-IL-12 treatment, the constitutively present human CD45+ leukocytes have expanded and infiltrated into tumor-rich areas of the xenograft. Two weeks post-treatment, there is expansion of the human leukocytes and complete effacement of the tumor compared with tumor progression and gradual loss of most human leukocytes in control-treated xenografts. Immunohistochemical analyses reveal that the responding human leukocytes are primarily activated or memory T cells, with smaller populations of B cells, macrophages, plasma cells, and plasmacytoid dendritic cells capable of producing IFN-α. The predominant cell population was also characterized by FACS and was shown to have a phenotype consistent with a CD4+ effector memory T cell. We conclude that quiescent CD4+ effector memory T cells are present within the tumor microenvironment of human lung tumors and can be reactivated by the local and sustained release of IL-12 to proliferate and secrete IFN-γ, leading to tumor cell eradication.