Selective release of lysosomal hydrolases from phagocytic cells by cytochalasin B

1. Cytochalasin B (10μg/ml) enhances the release of rabbit polymorphonuclear leucocyte lysosomal acid hydrolases induced by retinol (vitamin A alcohol). 2. This effect is seen at doses of the vitamin that cause selective release of acid hydrolases and those causing more general enzyme release indicated by the loss of lactate dehydrogenase. 3. Cytochalasin B (2–50μg/ml) has no effect on the release of sedimentable acid hydrolases of intact granules obtained from disrupted polymorphonuclear leucocytes. 4. Cytochalasin B (2–10μg/ml) causes a time- and dose-dependent release of mouse peritoneal macrophage acid hydrolases. 5. This effect is selective at all doses of cytochalasin B used, since no release of lactate dehydrogenase, malate dehydrogenase and leucine 2-naphthylamidase was detected. 6. Treatment with cytochalasin B at doses of up to 10μg/ml for as long as 72h did not significantly change the total activities of any of the enzymes measured. 7. The lack of toxicity of cytochalasin B was shown by dye-exclusion tests and its failure to release radioactive colloidal gold stored in secondary lysosomes.