A Deep Submillimeter Survey of Lensing Clusters: A New Window on Galaxy Formation and Evolution

We present the first results of a submillimeter survey of distant clusters using the new Submillimeter Common-User Bolometer Array (SCUBA) on the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope. We have mapped fields in two massive, concentrated clusters, A370 at z=0.37 and Cl 2244-02 at z=0.33, at wavelengths of 450 and 850 μm. The resulting continuum maps cover a total area of about 10 arcmin2 to 1 σ noise levels less than 14 and 2 mJy beam-1 at the two wavelengths, 2-3 orders of magnitude deeper than was previously possible. We have concentrated on lensing clusters to exploit the amplification of all background sources by the cluster, improving the sensitivity by a factor of 1.3-2 as compared with a blank-field survey. A cumulative source surface density of (2.4±1.0)×103 deg-2 is found to a 50% completeness limit of ~4 mJy at 850 μm. The submillimeter spectral properties of these sources indicate that the majority lie at high redshift, z>1. Without correcting for lens amplification, our observations limit the blank-field counts at this depth. The surface density is 3 orders of magnitude greater than the expectation of a nonevolving model using the local IRAS 60 μm luminosity function. The observed source counts thus require a substantial increase in the number density of strongly star-forming galaxies in the high-redshift universe and suggest that optical surveys may have substantially underestimated the star formation density in the distant universe. Deeper submillimeter surveys with SCUBA should detect large numbers of star-forming galaxies at high redshift and so provide strong constraints on the formation of normal galaxies.