On the discrete approximation of eigenvalue problems with holomorphic parameter dependence

Here eigenvalue problems A(λ)u = 0 and their approximations Ai(λ)νi = 0 are studied where the densely denned closed semi-Fredholm operators A and Ai depend holomorphically on the parameter λ. Two different kinds of approximations are established. One is based on a generalisation of the spectral projection and the other on a suitable linearisation of the problem. To this end generalised eigenvectors and suitable product spaces are introduced which provide a representation formula for the principal part of A -1 and A -1, respectively, in the neighbourhood of poles. The convergence of the methods is shown in the framework of discrete convergence theory. The results generalise the corresponding results for linearly dependent A, Ai in two directions: both methods are available for arbitrary holomorphic dependence on the parameter λ, and the first method provides convergent approximations to the whole generalised eigenspace which works also in cases of linear parameter dependence when the usual method fails.