Determination of Volatile Halogenated Compounds in Tap and Surface Waters from the Gdańsk District

The present method is based on preconcentration of organic contaminants on XAD-4 as sorbent, thermal desorption, mineralization and coulometric argentometric titration for the final determination of halides. The results were calculated as the total parameter VOX (volatile organic halogen) expressed as chlorine. The method has been used for the VOX determination in tap water, Vistula river water and Baltic Sea water. Sampling of the Baltic Sea water has been carried out during the research cruise of the r/v ‘Oceania’. The relatively high anthropogenic pollution of the river Vistula (c vox = 11–45 μg Cl/cd3), Gulf of Gdańsk (c vox = 0.6–4.5 μg Cl/dm3) and the Pomerania Bay (c vox = 2 μg Cl/dm3) has been determined. The VOX concentration in the tap water varied between 13 and 56 μg/dm3; that is, this water is seriously polluted by volatile organic halogen compounds.