Utilizing radioactive carbon, A. Kursanov, A. Kuzin and co-workers1- 0 recently discovered a new function of the plant root; i.e. COs or carbonate can be absorbed by the plant root, transferred to green tissues and, in the presence of light, is transformed into sugar and protein. Absorption of carbon dioxide by roots is connected with ,β-carboxylation of keto acids and with the movement of dicarboxylic acid to leaves. Pot experiments with four crops where the cu-labeled sodium carbonate was used, showed that the carbon of soil carbonate can be taken up by crop plants only when the pH of the soil showed an alkaline reaction. Field experiments showed that; if carbonic acid was placed in the soil in the form of ammonium or potassium carbonate, the growth of sugar beet increased by 10 to 15 percents. In this new function of plant root, the amount of COs absorbed as well as its pathway to complicated carbon compounds should be discussed. Kursanov et al2,3 showed that the amount of CO2 taken up by roots was considerably large, while Overstreet et al7 obtained comparatively law values with barley root. More recently Poel8 observed a considerably large intake of CO2 by barley root, Cl being distributed in amino acids, amines and carboxylic acids of TCA cycle. Jacobson9 indicated that an unequal absorption of cations and anions by plant roots was reflected in gains or losses of inorganic ions and changes in organic acid content of the roots. Further, the same author10 investigated the relationship between CO2 fixation and malic acid metabolism in plant root, on the basis that among other organic acids particularly malic acid might directly or indirectly be implicated in the ion absorption. Young excised barley roots fixed from 1.18 to 7.02% of the C14Oa in three hours, when it was supplied as NaHC14Oa solution. When excess anion absorption occurred in CaBr2 solution, the lower figures were obtained, and higher figures when excess cation absorption occurred in KH3PO4 solution. The Cl14 accumulated in malate was 68 to 92%. He11,12 also suggested that the mechanism of CO2 fixation may be a reductive carboxylation of pyruvate with the help of malic enzyme, or an oxaloacetic acid carboxylase reduction followed by reduction to malate.

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