Localization of hyaluronan in various muscular tissues

The histochemical distribution of hyaluronan (hyaluronic acid, HYA) was analysed in various types of muscles in the rat by use of a hyaluronan-binding protein (HABP) and the avidin-biotin/peroxidase complex staining procedure. Microwave-aided fixation was used to retain the extracellular location of the glycosaminoglycan. In skeletal muscles, HYA was detected in the connective tissue sheath surrounding the muscles (epimysium), in the septa subdividing the muscle fibre bundles (perimysium) and in the connective tissue surrounding each muscle fibre (endomysium). HYA was heterogeneously distributed in all striated muscles. In skeletal muscles with small fibre dimensions (e.g., the lateral rectus muscle of the eye and the middle ear muscles), HYA was predominantly accumulated around the individual muscle fibres. Perivascular and perineural connective tissue formations were distinctly HYA-positive. In cardiac muscles, HYA was randomly distributed around the branching and interconnecting muscle fibres. In comparison, smooth muscle tissue was devoid of HYA.