Search for long-lived doubly charged atomic negative ions

Using the Argonne 100-in.-radius double-focusing mass spectrometer we have searched for long-lived (≥ 105 sec) doubly charged atomic negative ions with the use of electron impact and Penning ionization sources. Our source operating conditions are similar to those of previous experiments which claim the existence of such ions. In contrast to all previous experiments, our mass resolution is sufficient to absolutely identify any impurity ion from its mass defect, and the machine design is such that artifact peaks (Aston peaks), caused by collisional dissociation of molecular negative ions, do not occur. Using a variety of target gases, we set upper limits for the production of doubly charged or singly charged species in electron bombardment and Penning sources of X2 to X<~107 to 108 and X2 to X<~5×1010, respectively. These results contrast to those of previous experiments which claim positively identified ratios of X2 to X=101 to 102 and X2 to X103, respectively. We find no evidence of any doubly charged atomic negative ion.