Fragmentation of relativisticFe56

The fragmentation of Fe56 at 1.88 GeV/nucleon has been studied on H, Li, Be, C, S, Cu, Ag, Ta, Pb, and U targets. The detection apparatus consisted of a simple transmission detector. A method is presented which eliminates the effects of multiple interactions in the targets which were typically half an interaction-length thick. Elemental production cross sections, σ(Z), were measured for Z=13 to 25. Measured charge-changing cross sections, σΔZ1, and derived mass-changing cross sections, σΔA1, are presented for each target. The σ(Z) factor into a term which depends only on the target and a term which depends only on the fragment observed. The σΔZ1 and σΔA1 follow a simple geometric behavior. The cross section for the removal of one proton from the Fe56 projectile is enhanced for the heavier targets. This effect is described by a model assuming Coulomb dissociation. The σ(Z) for Fe56 on the H target are compared to the semiempirical formulas of Silberberg and Tsao.