Comparison of the effects of several endotoxin preparations on body temperature and metabolic rate in the rat

The effects of several bacterial endotoxins on body temperature and resting oxygen consumption (.ovrhdot.VO2) were compared in normal rats. Low doses (0.05 mg/kg, i.m.) of 0127:B8 phenol-extracted endotoxin caused significant increases in both parameters. Maximal febrile responses ( C) occurred at a dose of 0.05 mg/kg, but higher doses produced smaller effects. The maximal increase in .ovrhdot.VO2 (17%) occurred at doses of 0.5-1.0 mg/kg. A TCA extract of the same strain of endotoxin elicited a similar pattern of responses but was less potent than the phenol extract, whereas another endotoxin 026:B6 (TCA extract) was much less potent. The data illustrate the importance of constructing dose-response curves when comparing different endotoxins and indicate that in the rat, oxygen consumption provides a useful index of the response to pyrogens.

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