Thalamic connections with limbic cortex. I. Thalamocortical projections

The thalamocortical projections to limbic cortex in the cat have been studied with retrograde and anterograde axonal transport techniques. Five limbic cortical areas were identified on the basis of cytoarchitecture. The five areas are the anterior limbic area, the cingular area, the dorsal and ventral retrosplenial areas, and the presubiculum. Each of these cortical areas received small injections of horseradish peroxidase, and the afferent thalamic nuclei were identified by retrograde labelling of cells. The cortical projection of each of the anterior thalamic nuclei and the lateral dorsal nucleus was determined autoradiographically. Each of the anterior thalamic nuclei and the lateral dorsal nucleus projects to limbic cortex by two pathways. One group of fibers leaves the rostral thalamus by the fornix, pierces the corpus callosum, and joins the cingulate fasciculus to reach limbic cortex. The other group travels through the lateral thalamic peduncle and internal capsule. The anterior ventral nucleus projects primarily to the dorsal retroslenial area, particularly to layer I, the deep portion of layer II, and superficial portion of layer III. Sparse projections also exist to the ventral retrosplenial area, the cingular area, and the presubiculum. Very sparse projections to the anterior limbic area are seen. The anterior dorsal nucleus projects primarily to the ventral retrosplenial area, particularly layers I, the deep portion of layer II, and superficial layer III. Sparse projections exist to the dorsal retrosplenial area and presubiculum, but apparently no projections exist to the cingular or anterior limbic area. The anterior medial nucleus projects primarily to layers I and superficial III of the ventral retrosplenial area. Sparse projections exist to each of the other limbic cortical areas. The lateral dorsal nucleus projects extensively onto limbic cortex. Prominent projections occur to layer I, the external granular layer and lamina dessicans of the presubiculum, layers I and III‐IV of the dorsal retrosplenial area, and layers I, III, and IV of the cingular area. Sparse projections occur to the ventral retrosplenial area and the anterior limbic areas. Thalamocortical projections also originate in the midline and intralaminar nuclei including the central medial reuniens, rhomboid, paracentral, central lateral, and central dorsal nuclei. These data indicate that the anterior thalamic nuclei project upon limbic cortex in a complex manner. Further, the projections to limbic cortex from the anterior nuclei overlap with projections from the lateral dorsal nucleus. This overlap of thalamic projections onto limbic cortex suggests a convergence of information from nonprimary sensory systems with information from the classical limbic system.