Constraints on the geometries of structures within the sedimentary rocks at the Cajon Pass Scientific Drillsite, California

An analysis of downhole geophysical logs, and their relation to surface geological data constrain the structure in the first 700 m of the Cajon Pass scientific drillhole. Several angular folds, mapped in a small canyon 150 m to the southeast of the drillsite, are associated with a steep northeast dipping reverse fault at depth. This fault is inferred to cut the scientific drillhole in basement at 700 m, and to intercept a nearby oil‐exploration well, Arkoma Federal 1‐26, within the sediments at 350 m. The folds mapped at the surface are thought to have developed in Late Miocene to Early Pliocene time, during the Squaw Peak thrusting event. The inferred reverse fault offsets the sediment‐basement contact 180 m between the two holes.