Anastrophyllum tasmanicum Roday 1916 [Roivainenia tasmanica (Rodway) Grolle 1966 turned out to be a minor-xerophila of Chandonanthus squarrosus (Hook. 1818) Schiffn. 1893. Cheilolejeunea adnata comb. nov. [Jungermannia adnata Kunze] has to replace C. decidua (Spruce 1884) Evans 1905. Prionolejeunea pyriflora Steph. 1923 is newly placed in synonymy of C. cordigera comb. nov. (Hygrolejeunea cordigera Steph.). Trachylejeunea oahuensis Evans 1900 (type from Hawaii), C. tisserantii Vand. Bergh. et Jov.-Ast 1951 (type from Central Africa) and C. spathulata Mizut. 1970 (type from Borneo) are newly placed in synonymy of C. decursiva (Sde.-Lac. 1855) Schust. 1963 (type from Java). Cronisia weddellii comb. nov. (Boschia weddellii Mont.) to replace C. paradoxa Berkeley 1857 [Riccia paradoxa Hook. et Wils. 1844, non De Not. 1839]. H. dismieri Steph. 1913 is newly placed in synonymy of Dicranolejeunea madagascariensis Steph. 1912. The monotypic obscure genus Heterolejeunea Schiffn. 1941 is newly placed in synonymy of Lopholejeunea (Spruce 1884) Schiffn. 1893 after the rediscovery of type specimens of H. javanica Schiffn. 1941. Jungermannia ehrhartiana F. Web. 1815 was wrongly placed in synonymy of Lophozia alpestris sensu Evans [L. sudetica (Nees in Hub. 1834) Grolle] by Grolle (1966), based on a specimen wrongly regarded as type. The rediscovery of true type specimens requires it to be placed in synonymy of L. ventricosa (Dicks. 1790) Dum. Lejeunea renauldii Steph. 1890 [Ceratolejeunea renauldii Steph. 1913], Hygrolejeunea rechingeri Steph. 1908 and Taxilejeunea mitracalyx Eifrig 1936 are newly placed in synonymy of L. alata Gott. 1845. Lejeunea villaumei comb. nov. [Otigoniolejeunea villaumei Steph. 1914] has to replace L. arnelliana Schust. 1965 [Ciliolejeunea capensis S. Arn. 1953]. The genus Otigoniolejeunea is excluded from the African flora.

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