A comparison of some quantitative methods of extracting small vermiform nematodes from soil

SUMMARY: When 200 ml. dispersed soil is sedimented from an obliquely rising water current in a simple compartmented tank about three‐quarters of the nematodes are extracted. About 95% of the nematodes in the concentrated suspension can be separated finally from mineral and heavy organic particles by centrifugal notation. When mobile nematodes were finally separated from soil particles by paper tissue, this sedimentation method extracted as many nematodes from sand and loam as Seinhorst's two‐flask and elutriation methods, but in one test extracted fewer Tylenchorhynchus from clay and in another fewer Paratylenchus from clay than the elutriation method. The method is quicker (4 or 6 instead of 30–45 min.) and easier.Mobile nematodes can be extracted from 300 ml. soil spread out on paper tissue in 23. 33 cm. trays of 8 mesh/cm. phosphor‐bronze gauze, just resting on shallow water. The suspension obtained after 24 hr. at 16–18°C. was concentrated to 10–15 ml. without loss by sedimentation in two tapered cylinders, one of 8 cm. bore, the other of 2.6 cm. bore. This method usually extracted significantly more nematodes than the sedimentation, two‐flask and elutriation methods.