The X-Ray Concentration-Virial Mass Relation

  • 5 October 2006
We present the concentration (c)-virial mass (M) relation of 39 galaxy systems ranging in mass from individual early-type galaxies up to the most massive galaxy clusters, (0.06-20) x 10^{14} M_sun. We selected for analysis the most relaxed systems possessing the highest quality data currently available in the Chandra and XMM public data archives. A power-law model fitted to the X-ray c-M relation requires at high significance (6.6 sigma) that c decreases with increasing M, which is a general feature of CDM models. The median and scatter of the c-M relation produced by the flat, concordance LCDM model (Omega_m=0.3, sigma_8=0.9) agrees with the X-ray data provided the sample is comprised of the most relaxed, early forming systems, which is consistent with our selection criteria. Within the context of the concordance model the c-M relation requires 0.76< sigma_8 99.99% confidence, but it can be reconciled with the X-ray data by increasing the dark energy equation of state parameter to w ~ -0.8. When imposing the additional constraint of the tight relation between sigma_8 and Omega_m from studies of cluster abundances, the X-ray c-M relation excludes (>99% conf.) both open CDM models and flat CDM models with Omega_m ~1. This result provides novel evidence for a flat, low-Omega_m universe with dark energy using observations only in the local (z << 1) universe. Possible systematic errors in the X-ray mass measurements of a magnitude ~10% suggested by CDM simulations do not change our conclusions.

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