Gay and Bisexual Men in Kampala, Uganda

HIV/AIDS disproportionately affects gay and bisexual men around the world; however, little is known about this population in sub-Saharan Africa. We conducted a respondent-driven sampling survey of gay and bisexual men in Kampala, Uganda (N = 224). Overall, 61% reported themselves as “gay” and 39% as “bisexual”. Gay and bisexual men were 92% Ugandan; 37% had unprotected receptive anal sex in the last six months, 27% were paid for sex, 18% paid for sex, 11% had history of urethral discharge. Perception that gay and bisexual men are at risk for HIV infection was low. Gay and bisexual men in Kampala are overwhelmingly Ugandan nationals from all parts of society. Recognition of gay and bisexual men in local HIV prevention programs and education messages are urgently needed. Our study demonstrates that gay and bisexual men in Uganda are willing to identify themselves and participate in research.