Single-crystal antimony has been investigated by means of cyclotron resonance using the Azbel'–Kaner geometry and microwave frequencies of approximately 35 Gc/sec and 70 Gc/sec. Electropolished or cleaved crystal surfaces that contained principal crystal planes were used in the study. The results have been analyzed and the mass tensor components of the Shoenberg model of the electron Fermi surface were found to be m1′ = 0.043, m2′ = 1.46, m3′ = 0.070, tilt angle = 36°, which are in close agreement with values measured by Shoenberg using the de Haas – van Alphen effect. Signals, which were interpreted to be cyclotron resonance at limiting points of the electron Fermi surface, suggested nonellipsoidal features of the electron Fermi surface and were interpreted using Cohen's nonellipsoidal model of the bismuth-type structure with rotation symmetry. Evidence of the presence of holes consisted of two Azbel'–Kaner resonances for each magnetic-field direction and suggested the existence of a nonellipsoidal energy surface in the valence band of antimony. The hole-cyclotron mass values that were observed are reported.

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