Migration of uncemented, long-stem femoral components in revision hip arthroplasty:A 2-8 year clinical follow-up of 45 cases and radiostereometric analysis of 13 cases

We reviewed after 48 (24-90) months the clinical results in 45 cases of revision hip arthroplasties where an uncemented, long-stem femoral prosthesis (BIAS®, Zimmer) had been used. A subgroup of 13 cases was followed with radiostereometric analysis (RSA) for 2 years. 3/45 cases had been re-revised, another 12 had unsatisfactory pain scores. The median Harris score was 69 (26-99). 12/13 stems migrated; 11 subsided 4.1 (0.4-7.9) mm, and 8 migrated posteriorly 2.9 (1.9-9.6) mm. The poor clinical results and large migrations speak against the use of this prosthesis in revision hip arthroplasty.