Figure Preference, Body Dissatisfaction, and Body Distortion in Adolescence

The present study was designed to evaluate gender and age effects on three multidimensional factors (i.e., figure preference, body dissatisfaction, and body distortion) that potentiate eating-related problems among adolescents. Data from 454 students (X age 15.03) found females preferred afigure significantly thinner than their current status, whereas males were generally pleased with their body proportions. This discrepancy resulted in significant gender differences in idealfigure preference and body dissatisfaction. School level (high school vs. middle school) by gender, two-way ANOVA comparisons found an interactional effect, with high schoolfemales evidencing significantly higher levels of body dissatisfaction and distortion than the middle schoolfemales and males. Further analysis with females found body dissatisfaction increased with age in a linear configuration, whereas body distortion followed a curvilinear pattern.