Disintegration ofIr192andIr194

The energies and intensities of 20 gamma rays of Ir192 and 16 gamma rays of Ir194 have been measured by studying their external conversion spectra with a high resolution beta-ray spectrometer. A Fermi analysis of the beta spectrum of Ir194 reveals four components with the following end-points and intensities: 2236 kev (70 percent), 1905 kev (16 percent), 975 kev (9 percent) and 430 kev (2.8 percent). The observed beta and gamma radiations are consistently accounted for in terms of transitions to the following levels of Pt194: 0.0, 328.1, 621, 1265, 1477, 1665, 1794, 1802, 1836, 1946, and 2048 kev. The Ir194-Pt194 energy difference is 2236±10 kev. The Ir192 gamma-ray energies are classified in terms of levels at 0.0, 283, 485, 690, and 1064 kev in Os192 and 0.0, 316, 612, 784, 921, 1155, 1201, and 1359 kev in Pt192. The results for Ir192 serve chiefly as confirmation of earlier investigations.