Field Testing of Various Parameters for the Development of a Pheromone-Based Monitoring System for the Armyworm, Pseudaletiaunipuncta (Haworth) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)1

In 1979, a comparative study of three commercially available sticky traps found that Pherocon 1C was more effective than Pherocon II, which in tum was superior to Pherocon 1CP for capturing Pseudaletia unipuncta males. Subsequent testing of Pherocon lC and Pherocon II found that the vertical location of traps could significantly alter trapping efficiency. By using hourly catch records for 6 days, the time of peak trapping was calculated and was found to vary with air temperatures, occurring earlier on cooler nights. In 1980, different concentrations of pheromone (Z11–16:Ac + Z11-16:0H) were tested. Up to 1,000 μg, catches increased in a dose-dependent manner, although a significant decrease was observed in traps baited with 3,000 μg.In 1981, traps baited with lures proved more effective than those containing virgin calling females. It is suggested that traps baited with low pheromone concentrations be used in a monitoring program of this sporadic pest.