Multi‐residue enzyme immunoassays for screening for β‐agonists in faeces and feeds

Multi‐analyte screening methods for β‐agonists in faeces and feeds based on enzyme immunoassay (EIA) were developed. Commercially available EIA kits were used, and the results presented. The extraction for both matrices was performed under acid conditions. The addition of an organic solvent to the extradant, resulting in higher recoveries, was only retained for feeds as the background absorption for faeces increased substantially. Clean‐up for faecal extracts was achieved in a one‐step extraction with isobutyl alcohol. Detection limits in faeces were slightly different for the two types of kits used. They ranged from 0.8ng g−1 for clenbuterol to 10ng g−1 for terbutaline. In feeds, corresponding detection limits for both compounds were 5 ng g−1 and 110 ng g−1. Confirmation of EIA positives was established by liquid chromatography with post‐column diazotation and gas chromatography‐mass spectrometry. In the screening of faeces over 1 year about 70% of the EIA positive samples were confirmed as positive.