Schoolchildren (402) in the age-groups 7, 11 and 15 yr answered a questionnaire concerning headache. Recurrent headache was reported by 23% of the children, while 52% said that they had a headache occasionally. Headache was more common among the older children than among the younger ones, and in the oldest age-group headache was more common in girls than in boys. Six percent of the children had consulted a physician for their headache. In most cases, the headache was of varying character. It often occurred in the afternoon and evening but even during schooltime, and was generally of short duration. Children with recurrent headache had more severe headache and headache of longer duration than children with an occasional headache who also more often thought that their headache was provoked by illness. In the oldest age-group a positive correlation was found between headache and a high rate of absence from school, and a negative correlation between headache and grade in physical education.