Temporal dynamics of storage ring free electron lasers

The growth and saturation of a storage ring free electron laser (SRFEL) is driven by the beam behavior, including bunch lengthening or coherent modes of longitudinal motion (the bunch length being related to the energy spread), detuning effects, and a modification of the bunch distribution by the FEL interaction; all of these phenomena are accumulated for various passes, leading to complex dynamical processes. The knowledge and understanding of the dynamics, together with the stability over time are essential for efficient use of SRFEL sources. This is illustrated with the Super-ACO FEL experiment, analyzed from growth from the positron bunch to laser saturation and induced positron beam modification. Stability analysis (jitter, shape, intensity) is then performed carefully. A longitudinal feedback system can significantly improve it. Information provided with a streak camera reveals the distribution of a single FEL micropulse or synchrotron radiation pulse without any averaging or sampling. © 1996 The American Physical Society.