Structure of the dermal scales in gymnophiona (Amphibia)

Histology and cytology of dermal scales of the gymnophionans Ichthyophis kohtaoensis and Hypogeophis rostratus reveal their structure and the nature of their mineralization. Dermal scales are small flat disks set in pockets in the transverse ridges of the skin. Each pocket contains several scales of various sizes. A ring of “hypomineralization” of varying diameter may occur on scales of a particular dermal pocket but bears no relation to the diameter of these scales. Three different layers form the scales and are seen on sections perpendicular to the surface. The cells of the basal layer lie deepest. Each of the two or three more superficial fibrous layers is composed of bundles of fibres that are oriented in parallel. The orientation varies among layers. The striation of the fiber scales has a periodicity comparable to that of the surrounding dermal fibers. Squamulae form a discontinuous layer on the scale surface and are the only mineralized part of the scale. The minerals are deposited both on the collagen fibers passing from the fibrous layers into the squamulae, and in the interfibrillar spaces. Spherical concretions, either isolated or coalescent, reaching up to 1 μm, are found on the surface of the squamulae. The dermal scales of Gymnophiona present some analogies with those of evolved bony fishes. Their characteristics could make them an original model for the study of mineralization.