Macrophage-like cells invading the suboptic necrotic centres of the avian embryo diencephalon originate from haemopoietic precursors

Macrophage-like cells have been previously shown within the suboptic necrotic centres of chick embryos during the period just previous to, and coinciding with, growth of the earliest optic axons through suboptic necrotic centres. In this paper, light and electron microscopy observations of chick embryos suggest that these macrophage-like cells originate from blood cells. Immunocytochemical techniques in chick-quail yolk sac chemeras, constituted of a chick embryo and a quail yolk sac, revealed that the macrophage-like cells within the suboptic necrotic centres are labelled with anti-MB1 antibody, which is specific for quail haemopoietic and endothelial cell lineage. These findings demonstrate that these phagocytic cells are of blood cell lineage, and originate in the extraembryonic tissues of the yolk sac. Diffuse staining around some suboptic necrotic centre macrophage-like cells suggests that they release MB1 antigens which may play a role in the growth of the optic axons through the suboptic necrotic centres.