Quantitative changes in ouabain binding after denervation and during reinnervation of mouse skeletal muscle

Among the earliest changes following denervation of mammalian skeletal muscle fibres is a reduction of the resting membrane potential. This depolarization has been attributed to (a) a loss of the electrogenic effect of the active Na‐K‐transport across the plasma membrane (Locke & Solomon 1967); (b) a decrease in the potassium permeability of the resting plasma membrane (Klaus, Lüllmann & Muscholl 1969); (c) an increase in its sodium permeability (Robbins 1977). The purpose of the present study was to examine whether denervation affected the number of active Na‐K‐transport sites by determining the specific oubain binding to innervated, denervated and reinnervating muscles in vitro