Conflict and quitting in the monday nite pool league

Models of attitudes and emotional conflicts related to players quitting a recreational pool league, developed in an earlier study, are tested with follow‐up data collected 2 years after the original data were collected. The earlier study suggested that some players quit because of psychologically uncomfortable levels of approach‐avoidance and tension‐relief conflicts that derive from the social context in which the game is played and, to some extent, from the game itself A logistic regression analysis of the follow‐up data provides only weak support for the original specification of the model of quitting behavior. Fishbein and Ajzen's (1975) theory of reasoned action suggests a respecification of the model wherein the attitude‐behavior relation is mediated by behavioral intent. Logistic regression analysis indicates that intent to quit or remain in the league and quitting or continuing to play are related. The relation between attitudinal variables and intent to quit or remain in the league is also significant.