A new surface roughening method for glass capillary columns. Sodium chloride deposition from suspension

A method is described for roughening the surface of glass capillary columns for subsequent coating with polar stationary phases. A suspension of sodium chloride, obtained by addition of a saturated solution of sodium chloride in methanol to 1,1,1‐trichloroethane, is passed through the column at velocities of 1–5 cm/s. During passage of the suspension, particles of sodium chloride deposit spontaneously on the column wall. The amount of sodium chloride deposited on the column wall is a function of the volume of the suspension passed through and of the contact time of the suspension and the column wall. Ultimately the amount of sodium chloride per unit surface area approaches a maximum. Columns covered with this maximum amount of sodium chloride were prepared with high reproducibility and coated with a number of polar stationary phases. Various factors that influence the stability of the suspension and the deposition of sodium chloride are discussed and minimum requirements are given. A theoretical model is proposed for the mechanism of deposition of sodium chloride particles on the glass wall.