Universal scaling laws in fully developed turbulence

The inertial-range scaling laws of fully developed turbulence are described in terms of scalings of a sequence of moment ratios of the energy dissipation field εl coarse-grained at inertial-range scale l. These moment ratios εl(p)=〈εlp+1〉/〈εlp〉(p=0, 1, 2,...,) form a hierarchy of structures. The most singular structures εl() are assumed to be filaments, and it is argued that εl()l2/3. Furthermore, a universal relation between scalings of successive structures is postulated, which leads to a prediction of the entire set of the scaling exponents: 〈εlp〉∼lpτ, τp=-2/3p+2[1-( 2) / 3 )p] and 〈δvlp〉∼lpζ, ζp=p/9+2[1-(2/3)p/3].