Supralinearity and sensitization of thermoluminescence. I. A theoretical treatment based on an interactive trap system

A theoretical treatment is presented for the supralinearity of thermoluminescence glow peaks. The model assumes part of the thermoluminescence trap population as interactive with the thermally disconnected deep traps. These traps produce supralinear growth of the thermoluminescence response. The initial linear part of the response curve is assumed to be produced by the non-interactive part of the thermoluminescence trap population. The treatment enables determination of the relative concentration of deep traps. Resolution of the observed response curve into linear and supralinear parts allows determination of the relative trap populations responsible for producing the linear and supralinear parts of the response. We have also shown the procedure for determining the trap filling constant using the growth profile of the thermoluminescence glow peak of pre-dose sensitized samples. Apart from interpreting the linear and supralinear behaviour of the thermoluminescence response, the treatment provides a quantitative explanation for the pre-dose sensitization effect.