The inhibitory action of transfer factors on lysis ofEscherichia coliK 12 by phages μ 2 and Φ 2

SUMMARY: A selection offi+resistance factors and transfer factors, when introduced into K 12F+, showed a range of inhibitory activity of lysis by the male-specific phage μ 2. This range can be used to subdivide thefi+factors intofi+1,fi+2,fi+3andfi+4classes, according to the degree of inhibition of μ 2 lysis. To this subdivision can be added restriction of the ‘female-specific’ phage φ 2.Introduction of all thefi+factors tested into K 12 HfrH totally inhibited lysis by μ 2 in spot tests, but with twofi+1and onefi+2factors visible lysis was obtained in agar-layer tests. These three factors caused least inhibition of transfer ofproby HfrH. It can be assumed that both tests reflect lower inhibition of sex fimbrial formation by thesefi+factors than by the remainder.Thefifactors, when introduced into K 12, can be subdivided on the basis of restrictive effects on phage φ 2.These effects can be added to phage restriction in the salmonellae for the purposes of further classification of the transfer factors and R-factors.