Phase diagram of highly asymmetric binary mixtures: A study of the role of attractive forces from the effective one-component approach

The phase diagram of an asymmetric solute-solvent mixture is investigated at the level of the effective one-component fluid. The solvent is taken into account by computing the potential of mean force between solute particles at infinite dilution for different models of solvent-solvent and solute-solvent short range interactions. Fluid-fluid and fluid-solid coexistence lines are determined from the free energy in the reference hypernetted chain theory for the fluid branch and from a variational perturbation theory for the solid one. The phase boundaries so determined compare well with recently published Monte Carlo data for mixtures of pure hard spheres. The influence of solute-solvent and solvent-solvent short range attractive forces is then investigated. When compared with pure hard core interactions, these forces are found to produce dramatic changes in the phase diagram, especially on the solvent packing fractions at which a dense fluid of solutes can be stable and on the separation of the fluid-fluid and fluid-solid coexistence lines. Finally, the connection of these results with the behavior of some colloidal suspensions is emphasized.