Late follow-up of highly selective vagotomy with excision of the ulcer compared with Billroth I gastrectomy for treatment of benign gastric ulcer

We present the late results of a prospective randomized trial of highly selective vagotomy with excision of the ulcer (HSV + E) (n = 26 cases) versus standard Billroth I partial gastrectomy (BI) (n = 30). The operations were performed by registrars, senior registrars or consultants. Results of postoperative morbidity, functional outcome and recurrence rates have previously been reported at an average follow-up period of 4 years (1), at which stage neither operation offered a distinct advantage. At an average follow-up period of 8 years, 54 of the original 56 patients have been reassessed, using a standard Visick grading. HSV + E offers a better symptomatic result. There is an increased recurrence rate in both groups with time, 6 following HSV + E and 5 following BI gastrectomy.