The turnover of cytochrome c was determined in the three skeletal-muscle fibre types of adult male rats by a kinetic analysis that followed the time course of cytochrome c content change. Confirming evidence was obtained with double-labelling studies using delta-aminolaevulinate. Cytochrome c turnover was most rapid in the low-oxidative fast-twitch white fibre [t1/2 (half-life) about 4 days], slowest in the high-oxidative fast-twitch red fibre (t1/2 9-10 days) and relatively rapid in the high-oxidative slow-twitch red fibre (t1/2 5-6 days). Thus cytochrome c turnover does not strictly conform to either the appearance (i.e. red or white) or the contractile characteristics (i.e. fast or slow) of the muscle fibres. The synthesis rates needed to maintain the corresponding cytochrome c concentrations, however, were similarly high in the two mitochondria-rich red fibre types. These data illustrate that both the synthesis and degradation processes are important in establishing the cytochrome c concentrations that distinguish the different skeletal-muscle fibre types.