Natural History of Dermatitis herpetiformis in Southern Sweden

A retrospective clinical survey of 96 patients with dermatitis herpetiformis (DH) was performed in two defined populations of 425,000 in southern Sweden. The incidence of DH was 1.05–1.13/100,000 inhabitants/year and the prevalence was approximately 20–25/100,000 inhabitants. In one-third of DH patients the age at onset was > 60 years. In women with DH a strong connection to thyroid dysfunction was observed, but also other conditions of probable autoimmune pathogenesis were found in both sexes. No connection to malignant disease was observed. DH seems to be less active the later in life it starts. Several patients with DH manage without dapsone or need dapsone just occasionally in connection with bouts. This is the case even without a gluten-free diet. Many mild cases of DH were observed without a gluten-free diet; therefore, this restricting regimen should be prescribed only in more active cases of DH.