Comparative study of the choanosome of porifera: II. The keratose sponges

The aquiferous system of representatives of the orders Dictyocer‐atida, Dendroceratida, and Verongida has been studied to note its relevance to the systematics of the groups. The volume of the choanocyte chamber, the size and shape of the choanocytes, the number of choanocytes per chamber, the relative development of the mesohyl, and the features of endopinacocytes are estimated from scanning and transmission electron microscopic observations of representatives of most families of the three orders. Although the Dysideidae have a reticulate skeleton and were classified in the order Dictyoceratida, they are actually closer to the Aplysillidae (Dendroceratida) than to dictyoceratids. The anatomy and cytology of the Halisarcidae differ profoundly from those of these three orders and are clearly more closely related to nonkeratose sponges. Some changes in classification lead to a pattern with highly homogeneous orders that clearly differ in their anatomic and cytologic features, which does not support the hypothesis of a common origin of the “keratose” sponges.