Boeck3describes a unique case, which he designates as multiple benign skin-sarcoid, in a policeman, 36 years old. Some enlargement of various groups of superficial lymphatic glands, a moderate leucocytosis and an eruption of smaller and larger hard nodules in the skin of the head and face, and on the extensor surfaces of the trunk and the extermities were observed. The nodules varied in size from that of a hemp seed to a bean, and were irregular in form; they involved all parts of the skin, being movable with it. At first the nodules were pale red, then they became bluish-livid, finally yellowish or brownish. The growth of the tumors was extremely slow and extended over years; in the older the central part becomes atrophic and shrunken; eventually the growths disappeared wholly—under the use of arsenic and iron—leaving an evident reduction of substance in the skin. Boeck compares his

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