It is only recently that a report of a case of localized cutaneous amyloidosis appeared in the American dermatologic literature, although this condition has been familiar to European writers for about fifteen years. In Germany and Italy, Juliusberg, Koenigstein, Gutmann, Sannicandro and others have reported more than thirty cases, and it is probable that it occurs with equal frequency in this country but has escaped general recognition. Virchow named the substance occurring in this condition amyloid because of the starchlike reaction which usually resulted when the lesions were treated with aqueous solution of iodine and dilute sulfuric acid. Bonetus1 in the seventeenth century referred to the homogeneous, glassy substance as wooden induration. From Rokitansky came the designation lardaceous degeneration. Kekulé1 (1858) and Friedreich2 classified amyloid substance with the group of albuminoids. This classification Schmidt confirmed in the following year. A step forward resulted from the work

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