This paper reports the continued investigations into nuclear behaviors and activities of blood cells.Further proof of the extreme changes in shape of the almost naked nuclei of blast cells and evidence of the motility of such nuclei are presented. Further evidence for the release of intranuclear vesicles which become red blood cells is given. The cyclic nature of the life history of lymphocytes, which was first postulated in 1956 (Engelbert (5)), is again emphasized, also the extreme changes in morphology of the whole nucleus as well as the basic nuclear units which take place during the life history. The nucleus should be regarded as a federated composite structure—a federate autonomy—made up of smaller structures, the basic nuclear units, that each have a certain autonomous potential, which comes into play when they leave the composite federation. The nuclear federation can become very large forming polypoid nuclei. Naked nuclei can form "cytoplasm" by contracting and thus squeezing nucleoplasm out into a rim around the nucleus.