Spin and Parity Assignments and Levels inGd156Populated by the Decay ofTb156

Accurate conversion-electron intensities and γ-ray intensities were combined to obtain K conversion coefficients for 80 transitions in Gd156 from the decay of 5.4-day Tb156. These data were used to make spin and parity assignments for the following levels: 1538.90, (3); 1851.84, 3; 1948.98, 3; 1952.32, 4; 2175.08, 3, 4; and 2232.52 keV, 3, 4. Levels at 1462.26, 1506.89, and 1538.90 keV are now established on the basis of coincidence data. A complete level scheme is presented that incorporates all of the different features seen in recent studies.