Evidence for near instability against gamma deformation inBa128

The decay of 5.2-min La128 to levels in Ba128 has been investigated by γ-ray and conversion-electron spectroscopy. Of 78 γ rays assigned to the decay, 69 have been placed in a decay scheme consisting of 31 excited states. The La128 ground state is probably 5 and is interpreted as the (ν72[523]+π32+[411]) configuration. EC+β+ decays with logft values in the allowed range to states at 2425.5 and 2878.3 keV are explained by (ν72[523]+ν12+[411])4 and (ν72[523]+ν32+[402])5 configurations, respectively. A quasi-γ band is proposed with levels at 884.5 keV (2+), 1324.5 keV (3+), 1372.4 keV (4+), and 1931.4 keV (5+). A state at 1939.4 keV is possibly the 6+ band member. The properties of Ba128 were calculated using the microscopic boson-expansion code of Kishimoto and Tamura and found to be in rather good agreement with experiment. The small experimentally observed splitting (48 keV) between the 3γ and 4γ states is a signature of γ instability. The prolate-oblate difference, consistent with the experimental data, is estimated to be 0.5 MeV, a value in good agreement with potential-surface calculations.