Maternal Antibodies against Equine Influenza Virus in Foals and their Interference with Vaccination

Summary: Foals that were born to mares vaccinated twice a year against influenza had moderate to high haemagglutination‐inhibition antibody titers at 24 hours after birth. The foals were vaccinated at six and ten weeks of age, and again at three to five months after birth. Four months after the third vaccination no antibodies against A/H7N7 and A/H3N8 influenza viruses were detected in these foals. Thus, maternal antibodies probably prevented the development of antibodies against equine influenza virus after vaccination. Foals born to the same mares one year later were monitored to determine the rate of decline of maternal antibodies against influenza viruses. Antibody titers of the foals shortly after birth were similar to those of the mares at foaling. The antibodies persisted for three to six months, and their biological half‐life was estimated to be approximately 38 days. Two vaccinations of foals against influenza after the maternal antibodies had virtually disappeared resulted in an antibody response in most, but still not all, foals. These findings suggest that foals should not be vaccinated against influenza until maternal antibodies have disappeared.