Angular distributions of deuterons from the (p,d) reaction (energy resolution ∼35 keV) on Sm144 and Nd142 at Ep=35 MeV have been measured and compared with distorted-wave Born-approximation (DWBA) calculations. The DWBA calculations were performed both with and without the finite-range and nonlocality corrections. In some typical cases corrections were also included for the nuclear density dependence of the effective pn interaction. The DWBA cross sections for l=5 show an enhanced sensitivity to the inclusion of these corrections. Calculations including both the nonlocality and finite-range corrections yield acceptable spectroscopic factors. Considerable fractionation of the (2d52)ν1 and the (1g72)ν1 states is observed. No measurable population of neutron states in the 82<N126 major shell was observed. The single-neutron-hole energies (in MeV) are as follows: d32, 0.0; s12, 0.45; h112, 1.22; d52, 1.52; and g72, 2.12 for Sm143; and d32, 0.0; s12, 0.43; h112, 1.07; d52, 1.47; and g72, 2.20 for Nd141. Data on the systematics of splitting and movement of these single-neutron-hole states as a function of the proton number (Z) in Sm143, Nd141, Ce139, and Ba137 shall be presented in a subsequent paper.