This study aims to evaluate the accuracy of location (x, y and z) using a Magellan GPS NAV 1000 receiver. The position of a known reference point was compared with 50 fix points measured in two-dimensional (2D) mode (x, y) and with 50 fix points measured in three-dimensional (3D) mode (x, y and z). The mean errors and the root mean square errors (RMSE) in the Euclidian distances between the reference point and the measured fix points were 17·9 m and 20·0 m respectively for the 2D measurements, and 25·7 m and 34·8 m respectively for the 3D measurements. The mean error in elevation was 0·2 m and the corresponding RMSE was 39·1 m. The study indicates a significant difference in the total error (Euclidian distance) between points obtained with different signal qualities and different geometric qualities. The error in the Euclidian distance never exceeded 44·0 m using 2D mode, which suggests that the Magellan GPS NAV 1000 receiver should be a useful supportive tool for many remote sensing applications.

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