Improved automated leucocyte counting and differential in newborns achieved by the haematology analyser CELL-DYN 3500™

Automated leucocyte counts in newborns generated by the impedance principle are artificially affected by the high osmotic resistance of some newborn RBC and possibly by the high normoblast numbers present during the neonatal period. Erroneously high WBC counts may result. The haematology analyser CELL-DYN 3500 (Abbott Diagnostika GmbH, Wiesbaden-Delkenheim, Germany) has two different channels for the WBC count, an electrical resistivity (impedance) channel and a laseroptical channel. In combination with facultative extended lysis of resistant RBC before WBC count, this instrument is claimed to be very suitable for newborn blood analysis. We measured the WBC count and differential of 165 blood samples from newborns and cord blood on the CELL-DYN 3500. Reticulocyte count and manual differential including normoblasts were determined. Furthermore, some technical aspects of neonatal blood analysis were evaluated: precision, cell stability, effect of incorrect blood-anticoagulant ratio of small blood collecting tubes. The internal decision making process of the CELL-DYN 3500 selects the result either from the optical channel (identifies and excludes normoblasts) or from the resistivity channel (eliminates resistant RBC). This instrument gives a reliable and accurate WBC count and differential of neonatal samples even in blood samples with normoblasts and lytic resistant RBC. The result given by the CELL-DYN 3500 can be confirmed by a subsequent run in extended lyse mode.