Hepatocellular carcinoma: assessment of resectability by computed tomography and ultrasound.

A retrospective review of the CT [computed tomography] and ultrasound [US] scans from examinations of 30 patients who had hepatocellular carcinoma (hepatoma) was undertaken with special emphasis placed on evaluation of hepatic distribution of tumor, vascular invasion and extrahepatic spread. Although both CT and US detected hepatoma in 29 of 30 patients (96%), CT showed more extensive hepatic parenchymal involvement in 8 of the patients. Vascular invasion was seen more frequently with US than with CT. Invasion into the main portal vein was seen by US in 11 of 30 patients (37%). Extrahepatic spread of tumor was much more frequently detected by CT and was present in 21 of 30 patients (70%). A reasoned approach to the diagnostic workup of hepatomas that will minimize invasive procedures and unnecessary surgery is presented.