1. 1) A series of 1,046 cases of anaemia occurring in Singapore is analysed.The commonest cause of anaemia appeared to be iron deficiency, occurring as a single deficiency in 601 (76 per cent.) of 786 cases fully studied, and as part of a multiple deficiency in 683 cases (87 per cent.) of those studied.Ancylostomiasis was a predisposing factor in 382 of these 683 cases of iron deficiency Vitamin B 12 deficiency alone or associated with other deficiencies was demonstrated in 88 patients and folic acid deficiency was seen in 23 patients.Lymphocytic leukaemia, particularly the chronic form, seems to be relatively uncommon in Singapore. 2. 2) Studies of the nutritional vitamin B, deficiency, iron deficiency, and ancylostomiasis seen in this series of patients, with reports of therapeutic trials, are being published separately.