Pattern of cell proliferation in embryogenesis and planula development ofHydractinia echinata predicts the postmetamorphic body pattern

During embryogenesis and planula development of the colonial hydroidHydractinia echinata cell proliferation decreases in a distinct spatio-temporal pattern. Arrest in S-phase activity appears first in cells localized at the posterior and then subsequently at the anterior pole of the elongating embryo. These areas do not resume S-phase activity, even during the metamorphosis of the planula larva into the primary polyp. Tissue containing the quiescent cells gives rise to the terminal structures of the polyp. The posterior area of the larva becomes the hypostome and tentacles, while the anterior part of the larva develops into the basal plate and stolon tips. In mature planulae only a very few cells continue to proliferate. These cells are found in the middle part of the larva. Labelling experiments indicate that the prospective material of the postmetamorphic tentacles and stolon tips originates from cells which have exited from the cell cycle in embryogenesis or early in planula development. Precursor cells of the nematocytes which appear in the tentacles of the polyp following metamorphosis appear to have ceased cycling before the 38th hour of embryonic development. The vast majority of the cells that constitute the stolon tips of the primary polyp leave the cell cycle not later than 58 h after the beginning of development. We also report the identification of a cell type which differentiates in the polyp without passing through a post-metamorphic S-phase. The cell type appears to be neural in origin, based upon the identification of a neuropeptide of the FMRFamide type.